Install Google Gemini AI now in any Xiaomi device

Xiaomi devices are running on Android 13 as well as on Android 14, but Google Gemini is the latest AI which is renamed from Google Bard. Users are asking how we can install this in our Xiaomi devices and what are the requirements. As may users are facing in using the latest Google Gemini. So, lets check out the installation method and which settings we have to change to use it in our Xiaomi devices.

Google Gemini

Gemini AI – Eligible Xiaomi devices

Gemini AI is started rolling out in India too, and there are many special features in that. Users really want to enable this in their Xiaomi devices now. So first lets check which devices can run the Gemini AI, if your device on Android 13 so your device is not eligible for this, but if you are on latest Android 14 so you can easily enable this AI in your Xiaomi device without any root.

Settings to use Gemini AI

You have to change some settings in your Google app, as this AI supports only English language so you have to change your language now. How to change it? Simply follow the steps as I am showing you.


  1. Open Google App
  2. Tap on your profile
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Go to other settings
  5. Select Language & region
  6. Search language
  7. Choose English (US)
Gemini Google Settings

How to use Gemini AI?

Gemini AI is easy to use, you to have to open the application and after opened the application you will see the first page as I have mentioned below. You can ask your question by text, voice as well as with image. I did all and mentioned which questions I have asked. You can use this in your Xiaomi devices now.

Google Gemini pics text voice

Gemini AI in Xiaomi Pads and Laptops

Gemini AI works in laptops also, as we know Xiaomi had launched the laptops also so we can use it in laptops too. But how to use in laptops and Xiaomi Pads? For Xiaomi laptops, simply go to this URL, we can use this URL in Xiaomi Pads, Laptops and mobiles also.

Google Gemini AI PC


We can use the Google Gemini AI by URL as well as with the application in Xiaomi devices as well as in Xiaomi Pads. If you want to download the official APK file, so go here. And after or before installation, change the settings as I mentioned above.


So by these tricks, we can install the Gemini AI, if you have any issue related to this so comment now. And you can use this in any device which you have on Android 14.