OxygenOS 14 is officially announced with Go Green AOD and more new features

OnePlus has officially unveiled OxygenOS 14, and in doing so, has introduced a multitude of exciting new features. Furthermore, users around the world are eagerly awaiting this upgrade, their anticipation stoked by the enticing promise of a release that comes hand-in-hand with significant optimizations.

OxygenOS 14 introduces a fresh addition called the “Go Green AOD“. Its marking the arrival of a brand-new Always on Display feature. Beyond this exciting development, several other noteworthy changes have been implemented within the system. This article serves as your comprehensive source for all the pertinent information regarding these updates and enhancements in OxygenOS 14.

I have posted article on OxygenOS 14 rollout which will be started from October, you can read that article too if you want to see devices name which will receive OxygenOS 14.

OxygenOS 14 – New features

Additionally OxygenOS 14 brings forth a total of seven novel features that have been unveiled through an official announcement. Additionally it accompanied by the release of official images. These additions mark significant enhancements to the system, offering users an array of exciting capabilities and functionalities.

oxygenos 14

The comprehensive details and visual representation of these new features can be found in the official announcement, providing users with an insightful look into the advancements introduced in OxygenOS 14.

“Trinity Engine”

OxygenOS 14 ushers in a spectrum of transformative enhancements. These encompass the ability to handle intensive workloads, delivering an elevated gaming experience, introducing an improved camera system, enhancing multitasking prowess, and offering insightful visualization of ROM and RAM usage. Moreover, a plethora of other notable upgrades further enrich the user experience, collectively culminating in a substantial overhaul of the system.
trinity engine oos14

“Auto-Pixelate 2.0”

In OxygenOS 14, the auto pixelate feature has undergone significant improvements. Notably, it has become more sensitive, especially when dealing with intricate contact details like screenshots. This enhancement ensures that sensitive information remains protected and obscured effectively. Furthermore, OxygenOS 14 introduces a host of other noteworthy upgrades, solidifying its commitment to enhancing user experiences and privacy features.
auto pixelate oos14

“Aquamorphic Design 2.0”

The next-generation system incorporates upgrades in animations, music, and the color system. These additional enhancements actively enhance the user experience by introducing smoother animations, a refined music interface, and a more vibrant color palette. This comprehensive overhaul demonstrates a commitment to providing users with a more dynamic and engaging system interface
aquamorphic design oos14

“Fluid Cloud”

Furthermore, a revamped status bar has been introduced, which now actively displays various types of real-time services. This thoughtfully redesigned status bar actively showcases a range of up-to-the-minute information and services, thereby offering users a more dynamic and informative experience.
fluid cloud oos14

“Go-Green AOD”

OxygenOS 14 introduces a fresh addition known as the “Go Green AOD.” This newly incorporated feature enriches the overall user experience by providing a sustainable and eco-friendly Always-On Display option.
go green aod oos14

“Notes 2.0”

OxygenOS 14 has introduced new notes with optimizations and new stability. It is more convenient and enriched now.
notes oos14

“Smart Cutout”

Empowering users with the capability to personalize and tailor the content within their photo album by customizing cutouts is now a feature on offer.
smart cutout oos14

These 7 features of oxygenOS14 are revealed, which one you like most? Comment now and additionally stay tuned for more information related to OxygenOS14.