Introducing MiOS – Xiaomi’s Fresh Operating System for Smart TVs and a Range of AIOT Devices

MiOS is set for a debut exclusively in the Chinese market. Its targeting Xiaomi’s Smart TV lineup and an array of AIOT devices. Due to the presence of MIUI on Xiaomi smartphones and tablets, MiOS won’t be integrated into Xiaomi devices. Nevertheless, it fills a critical void, serving as the dedicated operating system for Xiaomi’s burgeoning ecosystem of smartwatches and televisions, where a specialized OS was previously lacking. This strategic move underscores Xiaomi’s commitment to enhancing user experiences and optimizing software integration within its expanding range of innovative products, particularly in the realm of smart wearables and televisions.


Xiaomi users have been pleasantly surprised to find the MITV OS appearing in their Smart TV update section. It marks the potential introduction of MiOS to Xiaomi’s Smart TV lineup under. The guise of MITV OS. The unexpected appearance of MITV OS hints at Xiaomi’s intentions to enhance the Smart TV experience by potentially replacing or complementing existing operating systems. This development reflects Xiaomi’s commitment to delivering improved software integration. Its better user experiences across their range of innovative products, particularly in the realm of Smart TVs.


MiOS – Smart TV

Within the update section, users are currently receiving the latest version of MiTV OS, namely, version 2.6.1385. This update promises to bring enhanced features. It improved performance, and a more refined user experience to Xiaomi Smart TV owners. As users explore the new version, they can look forward to a range of exciting improvements and optimizations. It aim to elevate their viewing and interaction with their Smart TVs, demonstrating Xiaomi’s ongoing commitment to delivering quality updates and ensuring their customers enjoy the best possible user experience.

MiOS will come in Smart Watches also in China region. But there are very low chances that Xiaomi will launch MiOS in the Global and India markets.

What do you think about MiOS? Comment now and stay tuned in my website for further info.