Exclusive: HyperOS 1.5 is on the way with these details

We didn’t expect Xiaomi to release HyperOS 1.5, but leaks suggest it will come before HyperOS 2. HyperOS 1.5 will be a minor update for both Android 14 and Android 15. I’m going to show you all the official details about this update. So let’s check them and I will show you when we can expect the rollout.

HyperOS 1.5 leaks

Xiaomi is set to release HyperOS 1.5, which is based on Android 14, before HyperOS 2.0, expected in October this year. Leaks indicate that the rollout for HyperOS 1.5 will begin in July. The Redmi K70 Ultra, Mi Mix Fold 4, and Mi Mix Flip will come with HyperOS 1.5 pre-installed in July.

There might not be significant changes between HyperOS 1.0 and HyperOS 1.5. HyperOS 1.5 is only for Android 14, which is why Chinese leakers are saying users to switch as soon as possible.


There is also a possibility that HyperOS 1.5 will come with Android 15 in October as a new version, followed by HyperOS 2.0 later. The version jump to HyperOS 1.5 will include both Android 14 and Android 15.


In July, HyperOS 1.5 with Android 14 will be available for the three new devices. Later on, more devices will receive HyperOS 1.5 with Android 15, but they will not get it on Android 14. And if you want to ask anything else regarding this so comment now.

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